How did China’s traditional festivals come into being?

China’s traditional festivals are diverse in form and rich in content, and are an integral part of the long history and culture of our Chinese nation.
The formation process of traditional festivals is a process of long-term accumulation and cohesion of the history and culture of a nation or country. The festivals listed below all developed from ancient times. It can be clearly seen from these festival customs that have been passed down to this day. Wonderful pictures of the social life of ancient people.


The origin and development of the festival is a process of gradual formation, subtle improvement, and slow penetration into social life. Like the development of society, it is the product of the development of human society to a certain stage. Most of these festivals in ancient my country are related to astronomy, calendar, mathematics, and the solar terms that were later divided. This can be traced back to “Xia Xiaozheng” in literature. , “Shangshu”, by the Warring States Period, the twenty-four solar terms divided into a year were basically complete. Later traditional festivals were all closely related to these solar terms.

Solar terms provide prerequisites for the emergence of festivals. Most festivals have already begun to emerge in the pre-Qin period, but the richness and popularity of customs still require a long development process. The earliest customs and activities are related to primitive worship and superstitious taboos; myths and legends add a romantic color to the festival; there is also the impact and influence of religion on the festival; some historical figures are given eternal commemoration and penetrate into the festival. All of these, They are all integrated into the content of the festival, giving Chinese festivals a deep sense of history.

By the Han Dynasty, my country’s main traditional festivals had been finalized. People often say that these festivals originated in the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was the first period of great development after the reunification of China, with political and economic stability and great development of science and culture. This played an important role in the final development of the festival. The formation provides good social conditions.

With the development of the festival in the Tang Dynasty, it has been liberated from the atmosphere of primitive worship, taboos and mystery, and turned into an entertainment and ceremonial type, becoming a real festive occasion. Since then, the festival has become cheerful and colorful, with many sports and hedonistic activities appearing, and it soon became a fashion and became popular. These customs have continued to develop and endure.

It is worth mentioning that in the long history, literati and poets of all ages have composed many famous poems for each festival. These poems are popular and widely praised, which makes my country’s traditional festivals permeate with profound meaning. The cultural heritage is wonderful and romantic, elegance is reflected in the vulgarity, and both elegance and vulgarity can be enjoyed by both.
Chinese festivals have strong cohesion and broad tolerance. When the festival comes, the whole country celebrates together. This is in line with the long history of our nation and is a precious spiritual and cultural heritage.

Post time: Jan-30-2024

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